The Land of The Lost

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Is this the Land of The Lost?

The Land of The Lost is a place. It is a magical place. A mystical place. A place of wonder and amusement. SPARKLE! SPARKLE! It is a place where all your wildest dreams will come true! Creatures of all kinds frolick freely among it's grassy plains, and it's lakes and rivers are filled with a variety of auquatic life. It is a place, that is self aware. It knows what goes on. It knows when there are disturbences in the force. It knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. C'mon kids! Let's go.......

Life Forms

The Land of The Lost has a wide variety of life forms. Here are a list of the main ones:

Little Hairy Men

The Land of The Lost is widely populated by Little Hairy Men. They are short. They are hairy. They make weird unecessary noises for no apparent reason at any time of the day. They are actually the source of several cultural phenomennoms, such as the Big Mac, the bicycle kick, and the Keyboard Cat. They have "mad culinary skills", yet lack the ability to read and write. Famous Little Hairy Men include Helga the Housemaid, Cha-Ka, and Oprah.


Sleestaks are relatively human sized lizard people. They enjoy long walks on the beach, lightly smoked herring fillets, and of course, ripping the flesh off of people.


Big Scary Lizards that eat anything that moves. Godzilla of course is included.

Waffle Pandas

Large and scary, the mighty Waffle Panda is a force to be reckoned with. Be sure to bring extra syrup when travelling through their territory.

The Rare American Made Products

Long lost cousin of The Common Household Chinese Made Product.


  • The UltimaTwins got in a fight over who stole the cookie from the cookie jar, in which their combined awesomeness spawned The Land of The Lost.
The battle of the UltimaTwins, which ended in the spawning of The Land of The Lost.
  • The GEICO cavemen invented car insurance, and the wheel.
  • Fred Flintstone is sucked into a vortex, lands in The Land of The Lost. He then built the first car, and was later assasinated by Henry Ford, who stole his concepts.
  • A monkey and a midget are sucked into a wormhole at the same time, fusing their atoms, thus creating the Little Hairy Men species.
  • These Little Hairy Men invent duct tape, changing the fate of the world forever.
  • Will Ferrel decides to join the party by making his own Land of The Lost movie. He was later attacked by a pack of ravenous coyotes.