A furry is one of those guys what has the, you know.
He goes around all, like, with all the, the... you get what I'm saying?
What I'm saying is that he enjoys those things that are like, all that, you see?
If I drew you a fork, would you understand?
I can't find the...
Anyway, I hate that guy.
Well, sacrifice thinks that furries are clammy and make you lightly giggle
OMG, I got:
Well, bildungsroman thinks that furries are on the ball and make you scarily moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy
Well, ovary thinks that furries are sexy and make you tiredly shatter
Well, airplane thinks that furries are paper and make you deafeningly cheesify
Well, potato thinks that furries are nefarious and make you incredibly a-splode
Well, God thinks that furries are lovely and make you dimly carrotify
Well, businessman thinks that furries are wise and make you ceremonially moan
Well, Furby thinks that furries are soft and make you angrily run
Well, slightly-below-average man thinks that furries are furry and make you occasionally run
Well, satan thinks that furries are evil and make you dramatically evaporate
Well, Jesus thinks that furries are fuckin' cool and make you never a-splode
Well, in Soviet Russia thinks furries YOU! <css> .wut a { color:#ffffff !important; } </css>
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