IllogiGames:Challenge The Challenge/Challenge

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The challenge. What is the challenge? How shall one define the challenge? That, my friend, is the challenge.

When faced with the challenge of challenging this book, the challenge became quite challenging. Not that the challenge was challenging, but by challenging the challenge, one appreciates and better understands the challenge. Not that one was too challenged to understand the challenge previously, but that through the challenges of challenging the challenge, that a full understanding of the challenged occurred.

The title of this chapter might be "To Challenge or Not To Challenge -- That is the Challenge," but that would not have been nearly so challenging. A direct challenge to the challenge is always the best way to approach a challenge. Without a direct challenge, the challenge merely challenges you in other challenging ways, so the whole approach to the challenge must be approached in a challengingly way. Only under these circumstances can the challenge be properly challenged. Improper challenging of the challenge, while at first appearing like a direct challenge to the challenge, are, in fact, the challenge challenging you.

Once you have decided to challenge, the real challenge begins.

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