Enter the Realm

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  Enter the Realm -- Inventory -- Spells -- Battle! Life Force: 5 HP/? Magic: 10/None

You wield your flashing katana, and with a slash of awesomeness, you decapacitate him, his head rolling away. Some seagulls appear out of nowhere, and nibble on the guy's head. Your blood-drenched sword is gleaming with pride, and you lick off some of the blood. You discover the blood is actually Awesomeness Liquidatus, and you are sucked into a giant portal. The seagulls follow, and so does the head.

You fall on you butt into a field of grass. A giant turtle with a pet dog suddenly appears through the tall wild grass, and uses his strong breath to destroy the seagulls. An army of pigeons appear, ready to fight with their sharp pointy porqupine quills.