IllogiGames:Getaway 15

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Woo! Time for the Matrix inspired Uber-Final firefight!!

You don your Neo-esque attire and pull out the uzis, unloading at the large group in front of you. You then remember that only fags stick to the floor during gunfights, and make your way up the nearest wall, firing with perfect accuracy despite the fact that you are running up a wall, and doing over-the-top flips and somersaults along the way. Eventually you grow weary of running around the ceiling, and drop down to finish the last few using ridiculously over-dramatic kicks and punches. Then, out of no-where, a waterbomb hurtles towards you. Thinking fast, you decide that instead of moving to one side or doing a conventional ducking maneuver, you should instead bend over backwards to avoid it. Unfortunately, you fail to take into account the fact that waterbombs do not go straight like bullets, but drop in mid flight, and it hits you right in the nads. All seems lost...Your in immense gonadical pain, and the remaining guards are yelling insults like 'Haha, it looks like he wet himself!' and 'Lets call him pee-pee-pants!', which is really embarrassing. Then an idea hits you, and knocks you out. When you awaken, you are back in your cell.

Trippy, thought you had it there for a minute, TRI AGEN!!1!!