Illogic Book/Page 43

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The tale of Blorg, the rather average-sized maybe

Once upon a time, there was a maybe named Blorg. Blorg was a pleasant fellow, but he would get very angry if you made him angry. He lived in Illogiland, and had a very pleasant life.

One day, though, his friend, Scumble the the almost, gave him an almond. The almond did not taste unusual, but Scumble said "Hey! You fool! That was a Magical almond that was going to grant you three wishes, but now you've gone and eaten it. I don't like you anymore." Blorg was angry now, as he often is when made angry, (I said that already, didn't I?) so he took the money and ran.

Once Blorg reached the Funny Fungus Forest, he sat down to count the cash. But little did he recall that there was a Gnome plotting his death in the forest, just waiting to come and crush him to shreds. The gnome was right behind him when suddenly he remembered, dismembered, threw embers, and cried "Timber!". This made such a racket that the gnome just gave up and left, leaving nothing but nothing at all behind to Mark, who had actually not been expecting such a large inheritance. Blorg sighed. Then he cried. Then he flied. That was when he realized he was cooler than you.

Now, Blorg had been feeling pretty proud, but now he felt ugly proud. He began to wail. Then he began to dolfin. The wordplay was beginning to get on his nerves, as well as his heart. So was the wordwork. He decided to visit the next page.

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