IllogiGames:Invasion of Illogiland/Shoelace

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Bring it on down, clown! Oh, and your shoelace is untied.


This diversion allows you to deliver the first blow in riotous battle that ensues involving custard pies, southern fried chicken, fake water and discarded chip papers.

You take a blow to the head as Bcbkye lashes at you with his balloon sword, but fight back immediately with a keyboard to the groin.

"Large concrete structure you!" cries Bcbkye as he writhes in agony on the ground.

Now's your chance to finish the fool and take control of Illogiland!

You rip a plug socket out of the wall and stick it up his butt. In slow motion and with a zombie groan, you flick the switch and watch as Bcbkye is reduced to nothing but a corset (well, he is pretty fat you know) and a rainbow wig. Ha ha! Success!