The city of Lundumb

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Not to be confused with London.

The city of Lundumb is known for being the dumbest city in Europe. It was founded by bishop Dumbass in 1346. Bishop Dumbass wore pants on his head and thought himself to be the teacloth king in fairy land. So did everyone else. The pants continued until 1895, when a chicken breast attacked the one thousand year old bishop. He suffered heart failure and died in a tub of fresh mango juice. Mayor, Wackton Blake has turned out to be a celebrity after doing up he's tie too fast and chocking on his own blood.


The culture of Londumb encompasses a lot of stupidity mixed with downright retardants. If you enter Londumb for the first time it might come as a shock to discover people falling down potholes 24/7 and dying in the most stupid of circumstances. Like the story of one Londumber who was about to board a train but thought the air surrounding him was the door and thought he was already on the train even though the train had left hours ago. He fell off the platform and was electrocuted. It is a wonder that so many people actually live in Londumb. No, joking they really are all dead!

Regardless, however, the average IQ in the city of Lundumb is twice as high as the average IQ of the smartest city in the United States, New Dork.