Rofl is a word frequently used on the late night tv show "Masterfoodsodomizer" hosted by the immortal Loyd Grosman. It's just as well he's immortal as the word rofl carries a terrible curse, anyone who says it vomits out their insides soon after. Lloyd Grosman however has a monkey butler who shoves his insides back in via his arsehole, he is then resusciated by Pamela Anderson who provides this service for free on the grounds that sucking the bodily fluids around his mouth off turns her on.
Rofl is also a recorded duet between Loyd Grosman and Frank Sinatra, Frank died soon after making the record as he vomited with so much enthusiasm his head shot off with all the sexual frustration of a champagne cork. It is rumoured by the one owner of this record that even the CD vomits violently and dies when played, this is why it has only ever been played once. By the advent of Broadband it was as passé as corduroy and today it is considered firmly old meme. DO NOT USE THIS EXPRESSION. If you do the reader may mistake you for an asshole and injure themselves ROTFL at your expense. To do so is to indicate that you are as slow as your dial-up connection and TWICE AS FUCKING ANNOYING.
"I'll kill you for stabbing my knees punk shark!"
...part of the LOLOMGROFLWTFBBQLMAOZEDONG series... |