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The story of Clue/Cluego

One time I met a man in green, a man in yellow, a man in violet, a woman in red, a woman in white, a woman in blue, and about as many weapons as there are rooms in my home. I invited them all over to my home, and put them in my will. After I did so I told them that I had put them all into my will, and each would get a cut of my manor and my money. That night, as I was reading in one of the rooms of my house, one of my guests came into the room and tried to kill me with one of my many weapons. I am now dead, and rely on the police to find the killer!

How the police helped

I am Sir Fredrickson the eighth. I am a policeman investigating the death of the eccentric millionaire, Mr. Boddy. We have found multiple suspects, weapons, and rooms that the victim may have died in. We are sure this is a homicide, not a suicide, and that Mr. Boddy was killed by one of his guests. We have interrogated the suspects, and have investigated the possible weapons. We still need help, though. If you decide to help us investigate, have others help as well. To find out whodunit, read the enclosed instruction booklet.

But really, whodunit?

I don't know, it was probably Professor Plum or Colonel Mustard. They probably killed him in the hall or the study, with the candlestick, rope, or he revolver. So as I was saying, We have found many clues. But without your help, the killer of Mr. Boddy will go uncaptured andmay continue his or her killing spr-UGH! aUuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

on the news, later that day...

The killing of Mr. Boddy, eccentric millionaire has received much controversy. All subjects have been jailed, and another murder has occurred. We expect that the murderer is still lose and going on a rampage. The suspects, all jailed, have finished their interrogations. And... This just in! The murder is.. Is...? Uh... Hello? Breaking news, another murder has taken place. This murder has killed the detective that has deduced the killer. I believe the killer is none other than... UGGGHHHhhhgghhhhhhhhh…..

This is getting old.

I know, right? Anyway, it was Mister Boddy who killed everyone, he was just passed out after vomiting chickens. So the end. And everyone only was passed out. And/or stabbed. Le end.