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Bowling is a primitive game played by cats and old people. The centre of all bowling tournaments seems to be within the community of Novosibirsk, Russia, where everyone is ACHTUNG KOMMUNISTEN and looks like Stalin.

Origin of Bowling

Bowling originated in 1974, when 3 mentally challenged individuals who had escaped from a mental facility in Azerbaijan decided to THROW THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF A BIG BALL TO DESTROY THE HELL OUT OF SOME WORTHLESS PINS. F*CK YEAAHH! This activity was found to be quite amusing to the humble chaps, what what!

Bowling today

Bowling is no longer about THROWING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF A BIG BALL TO DESTROY THE HELL OUT OF SOME WORTHLESS PINS, much to the chagrin of the 3 lunatics who invented it in the first place. Now it's a bunch of people who sit around trying to get strikes, strikes of course being the act of stroking the pins.


When cheese invaded everything, bowling died.