On how I did or did not collapse a wave function today, or maybe tomorrow

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File:Ose demon of insanity.jpg
It was first proposed by physicist Niels Bohr that Ose, the demon of insanity, was responsible for the dead cat in the box, no matter what Heisenberg or Shroedinger thought.

OK, well, it started this morning, when I got out of bed and immediately realized I was still quite drunk. My second clue was falling out the window of my tree house. I will not speak of the first, nor the third clues. In the future, I may speak of prime numbered clues, but so long as these dogs are about, there's no time for sergeants.

Having revealed his mission on behalf of mankind and his canine buddies, Jackson decided to join me on the second tier, by the food court. Harumph. Food court, not a bailiff in sight, it figures. Attitudes about worms and slugs have been pretty consistent over the years, despite a spike in interest during the Kramiratu Fiasco of 1998. You could almost smell the apathy.

The question was, how big is the universe? Well, what do you mean by big? And what are you going to use as a metric? Are you accounting for unperceived yet possibly existent dimensions? Let's ask the concierge.

According to Carl the concierge of this fine establishment, there are some places you can go, and others you can't. This is due to local safety codes and obscure blue laws from the 1720's, clogging up the legal system with time better spent drinking mimosas.

See Also