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₢e (Cre for those who fail) is a gr₯ with a ₥ in his ₩. He likes to ⅞ a ∞. His ₫ is a ♣ and he has never seen a ₪ either. He ® a » and ¶ in µ. Don't ± his ʤ, it's ʬ for his ʚ.

Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba!

₢e cooka.

₩hy not?

ʚ <--- OMGOSH an EAR!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA lolololololol

2 of ♣'s

And I lit a fire up under his ass

I made an article with a rude word in the title and they redirected it! Now it isn't funny! How dare they! I ought to ʌ their ʡ with ɸ, ʓ a ʨ in ʘ's ʙ because he Ϣ a П for Р with З, Ж is Д with Ϭ! Ϡ!

That damn strawberry doesn't know what he knows. And what he knows that he doesn't know can't hurt him. It's not like I'm the first person to chew a bottle cap, slap myself in the face and shout "الكلبة"... or "شاذ جنسيا" if it's Winter. Unless I'm really, really بغباء مجنون من جميع القرود اللامنطقية الذين يمضغون الوثائق, then I'll just die.