10 men went to mow

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1 man went to mow,
went to mow a meadow.
One man and his dog, Spot, went to mow a meadow.

2 men went to mow a meadow,
went to mow a meadow,
They eyed each other aprehensively because they were both mowing the same meadow,
but by and large labour costs were unaffected ..when they went to mow a meadow.

3 men went to mow,
went to mow a meadow.
labour costs were driven down because supply was beginning to outweigh demand.

4 men plus some mexicans went to mow,
went to mow a meadow,
the three original mowers were relieved of their duties because they refused to work below minimum wage, a fierce legal debate raged and an employment tribunal was launched.


17 mexicans went to mow,
went to monopolise the farm labourers market across the local network of meadows,
17 mexicans with their extended families and their dog, Diego, went to mow a meadow.

An angry mob went to mow,
Went to mow the... Mexicans down with machetes
One mob and their dog, Killer, went to raze the meadow.

15 investigators went to probe,
Went to probe in an official investigation.
15 invesigators and their Sniffer Dog, Ruff, went to establish a lead in their multiple murder inquiry, by collecting charred limbs and broken roof repair parts, littered around the meadow.

24 men went to jail,
charged with the infamous "Massacre of the Meadow",
24 man
23 man
22 man
21 man
20 man
19 man
18 man
17 man
16 man
15 man
14 man
13 man
12 man
11 man
10 man
9 man
8 man
7 man
6 man
5 man
4 man
3 man
2 man
1 man and their dog, Killer, which was put down, went to jail, a combined 437 years for inciting racial hatred, conspiracy to murder, murder, grand theft auto, theft of a corpse, grievous bodily harm, arson, and defacing private property.