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“You are what you eat!”

- Pajama-man

No you aren't, Pajama man. Go away.

“Fine. *sob sob sob*”

- Pajama-man


Firstly, you are not what you eat.

“Then, are you what you drink? I WANT TO BE COLA!”

- Pajama-man

No you aren't.

You are not what you eat or drink.

“Then are you what you inhale? Swallow? Devour?”

- Pajama-man

No, no and no *pulls out shotgun*.

Now that he's out of the way, you will know learn all you need to know on you.



What are you

Firstly, you are not

  • what you eat
  • what you drink
  • or inhale
  • what you swallow
  • or devour
  • not you
  • not myself. (for those who have identity crisis, no offense.)

Those things are what you are.

“You are stating the obvious, you.”

- Him

Ya, so it seems. Too bad my shotgun is out of bullets. I could really use one right now.

Firstly, you are

  • not what you eat
  • drink
  • inhale
  • swallow
  • devour
  • you
  • or in your case, myself.

“Still stating the obvious, you.”

- Him

Hey, a bullet on the floor!

Who are you

You are who? Doctor Who? Nope. You are you.

So, in other words.

Who are you?

Answer: I am you.

So you can be one of these:

  • me
  • you
  • me or you
  • yu
  • myself
  • some guy
  • me
  • I
  • what i am
  • my self
  • my body
  • one whole
  • whole
  • one world, one dream

Okay, the last one was for Beijing but you get the point.

1 point for you. No points for him. 10 points for me, cause i did 2 headshots. I think i get the prize.

Now, look in the camera and say:

I am smarter than a 5th grader.

Yes, you are. ON to the next bit.

Where you are

You are where? Where, you are. Okay.

In one simple explanation, you are in either one of these places:

  • here
  • there
  • somewhere
  • where
  • hear
  • in this place
  • area
  • *points to map*
  • where you are
  • somewhere over the rainbow

Okay, so Dorothy's lost. No big deal. She probably drowned in a pot of gold. Leprechaun's baaad.

And no, you are not:

  • here
  • or there
  • on this map
  • in a different country
  • where you are not.
  • over the rainbow.


Why are you

Why am i what?

Why are you:

  • ugly
  • fat
  • distorted
  • traumatized for life
  • unlucky
  • lucky
  • not unlucky
  • happy
  • thin
  • retarded
  • dumb
  • stupid
  • insane
  • kept in a clinic?
  • dying
  • dead
  • crying
  • in a cradle
  • eating pie
  • having fun
  • dancing
  • falling
  • tripping
  • having an accident
  • doing things
  • doing something not on this list.

And since then, everything was on this list. And not too shabby, eh?

And lastly, how are you?

If so asked this question, the reply is

  • fine
  • fined
  • good
  • guten tag
  • nice
  • and you?
  • not bad
  • not too shabby, eh?
  • great
  • horrible

And so, now you know who you are, i hope you understand the laws of physics better. Happy birthday, grandpa.