A Brief Outlook On Democracy

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“How do you pronounce "EEP" without any vowels?”

- on An inquisitive person

“How about "YJP"?”

- on A suggestive person

“Not here you can't... Over here we'd pronounce that "UIR" What about "YYP" instead?”

- on Bulgarian person

“Sorry, no. We'd pronounce that "ǼŒŒRP!" Maybe you could try it in chinese or something?”

“Don't bother me with such trivialities! Why aren't you in the army?! GUARDS!”

- on Chinese person


- on Inquisitve person being dragged off to a torture dungeon

“democracy is always the peoples choice when all alternatives have failed”

- Queen Younger I

“War is not worth 2 cents when democracy comes in a Frosted Flakes box”

- Pliny the Democraticus