A MySpace Survey posted by God

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yo boiz!!!!!111 dis is g0d da r00lah of da hevvinz n da earthz so lissen up homies!!! dis is da latest survey i postid on my fave site on da planet!!!! myspace were i get down w/ my frindz!!!

Subject : yeaaaaa boiiiiii!!!11!!

Author : dAl0rDoFuRsOlEzZzZZ000

Date : 15/01/2010

How did you spend the last 5 minutes of 2009? creatin da nu year babee!

Was 2009 a good year for you? yo im g0d allllll da years b good 4 me dawg

Do you miss the way things used to be between you and someone else? yo babee i make it how i want it im g0d

Did you have fun last night? yeaaa mannn marylin came ovah ya datz marylin monro! n we had g00d timez 2gether u no wat i meen

Where did you get the pants you are wearing? dawg i made dis pants im g0d yo.

Are you a jealous person? d00d dont u reed my book da bibl i bring it down on da 1s dat dont giv me my props

Reason for the last tear shed? g0d dont cry dawg wtf u talkin bout homie

Are you single? playa babee! man i get alll the fine sistahs in da hood c all da nuns b craxy!!!11!!!

Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? d00d i havnt cut mi hair since evr no1 got longer hair den mine

How was the weather when you woke up today? dawg da wether alwaiz b good in hevven yo

How are you right this second? im g0d yo

Is there anything you disliked about your birthday this year? i hav a bday? datz nu lololol mi homiez b owin mi ass presents!!!!111

Anything exciting happen lately? ya d00d i made a earthqwake happin n mi dawg pat robinson sed dey deservvd it but gess wut dey didnt i just messin w/ da homies lmaoooooo

What were you like a year ago? g0d yoooooo

What did you do today? i made sum babeez yo killd sum peepz nameen da usual

Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 12 hours? d00d hell yezzzzzz im g0d

Is someone on your mind right now? yupppp miss u babee! ;)

Who was the last person you sat next to? elvis man dat dawg is da man yo

Do you like your hair? dawg if i dont like mi hair i can fin change it man.

When was the last time you saw number 1 on your top friends? yo just nao dawg hahahaha jezzus b da bomb

What are you doing tomorrow? nuttin dawg juss chillin y u wanna cum ovah hang out lol

What do you currently hear right now? dis damn ded cat keepz scratchin mi perly gait yo imma send it to helllllll sooonnnnn

What's something you need to go shopping for? yo g0d needz sum ky babeee nameen ;)

Are you wearing socks? no d00d i were sandalz i represent

Last movie you watched? yo i juss watch da pr0nz i dont keep track a da namez loooooooooool

How many hours did you sleep last night? like 93 loooool

In the past week have you gotten sick? d00d im g0d ffssss mann loooll

In the past week have you watched cartoons? fuck yes bruddah

Has someone disappointed you recently? d00d every1 disappointz me mi chilldrn dont respect nameen

Do you have plans for this weekend? yaaaaaaaa dawggg da boiz r cummin ovah ded prezzz babee da boiz no how 2 dannceeee

If you could pack up and move, would you? d00d im in hevven dawg

Who are you most like in your family? d00d i MADE mi family dey all b like me dawg nameen loool

dis survey suxxxx eggs man wtff!