A Philosophical Look at Illogicopedia

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Is it that we long for nonsense? Or, rather, we long for something different than the normal, structured society we live in? Is there something wrong with us Illogicopedians? Is there a nonsense switch in human minds that turns off after the age of ten that doesn't work for us? Is it more or less teenagers and adults trying to express their nonsensical humor in an environment that accepts it as much as they do? It seems the more I go on Illogicopedia, the more I feel like I'm crazy but I seem normal because I'm with crazy people. It is stunning the general intelligence of the vast users on Illogicopedia. Perhaps we go through life being intelligent and not being able to show the humor and nonsense that we long to express. Why does the smartest kid in the class have to become a mathematician or scientist? Why can't he write humor? Why? What makes comedy a less intellectual job than anything else? The intelligence of users also shows how Illogicopedia is structured and most well-written articles are written with a very educated style and make it seem as if the articles are a by-product of those who don't want to be scientists or mathematicians. Maybe they want to be a stand-up comedian or a comedy author or writer. Maybe Illogicopedia is the place where those who just want to be humorous and nonsensical can express this with other users. Maybe it's because when an intelligent person tries to be funny or nonsensical, it is considered different or wrong in a way. Is Illogicopedia not a sanctuary of nonsense? Why are we suppressed into finding a site where we can show our true comedic values? Why aren't parents proud of their son who wants to go into comedy. There are already enough doctors, astronauts, and lawyers in the world. Illogicopedia truly is all of the things mentioned above to me. It has made me realize that I don't want to be a scientist or anything like that. I now enjoy the look on idiots faces when I say, "I want to go into comedy". Why is it a surprise? Comedy takes an intellectual level that far surpasses any of a lawyer or doctor. Is it such that the world considers these as "smart people" careers? Do what you want. So is Illogicopedia a place for those stopped by society from being nonsensical to be themselves? Yes. So go Illogicopedia. And God dammit AID EPOC IGOLLI.