A murder of crows

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      Whoops! Maybe you were looking for A murder of cows?

WHAT? You thought this would be some detective case? You watch too many spy movies.

A murder of crows can also be known as the collective noun for crows or in other words, crows, and is used in a sentence like:

"Hey man, did you see those a murder of crows fly past just now? Oh, no you probably wouldn't have seen those murder of crows fly past, oh look another pack of a murder of crows are flying past, Ohhh all those a murder of crows are gone. Whatever shall we do, now that those a murder of crows are gone?

Annoyingly repetitive, isn't it? Now er...get me a knife so I can slaughter that guy....ehehehe i mean murder him, er...murder of crows him.


Especially not to be used in sentences like these

Never use this phrase in a sentence like this.

"Oh, look a murder of crows! Hey, look more a murder of crows...and yet more a murder of crows! There are so many a murder of crows! a murder of crows! a murder of crows! there's just too many a murder of crows! a murder of crows'a murder of crows'a murder of crows'a murder of crows'a murder of crows!"

Somebody let me die already.