A problem

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It's no problem. No problem at all. Just adjust the thingymabob and fiddle with the whatchamajiggit and there we go, good as new!

But new things do have problems. They always have problems. It's like having a baby and then expecting nothing horrible to happen. Sure, you and they usually survive, but coming out alive is a far cry from coming out unscathed. You always come our scathed. It's part of the process. It affects you and them and everything and everyone involved, and that is part of what makes it so precious and so terrible.

As for the problems themselves, well, let's stick to the baby metaphor, shall we? You know you have problems when it's quiet. That's the worst thing that can happen. Sure, you can sleep as a result, but as a result, you can't sleep, not ever again, at least... not any time soon. Not after that.

If there isn't a problem, that's when you know you have a problem.