Aid Epic Fail

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Aid Epic Fail is what happened before Charity organisations started attaching parachutes to aid packages dropped out of helicopters. Several pilots in tandem would release a series of 4 ton crates from high up and then watch in horror as the high-speed inpact of their kindness eradicated all human life in the African village below. The food would then begin to rot and contaminate the nearby water supplies, fatally infecting other villages downstream. Not only this, but the Charities' penchant for choosing pilots who enjoyed having unprotected sex with AIDS-infected monkeys and then Africans straight after only exasperated the problem.

What to do if you spot an Aid Epic Fail

Cover your ears and pretend you're a tree. Alternatively throw a pokéball. Aid Epic Fails are rarely delicious enough for such a meringue to be applied to the base of your staircase. In this case however, I'll accept. Bubble baths can be taken to avoid pencil cases but in the case of Aid you might instead fail epicly. Or at least, partially. Or maybe nonce at all. Nothing is to be taken at face value, not even a face with value on it. Perfect alignment is all we have when death draws near.

Acid Epic Fail