Alternate Universe IRC

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
YOU (Assenema) have joined #logicopedia
http://logicopedia.gro | FYI: We are all sensible ol' chaps here. No illogic! Just 
thought you should know. | Logicopedia: Being a lame site full of tame ponces since 
late 2006 | Frostviper>	People who flame me, on average, have the intelligence of a 
bowl of doo-doos... er, pardon my language!
<Assenema>	So, how might everyone be doing today?
<Frostviper>	Frosty, ol' chap. More mellow than usual. Talkative Penguin is brewing 
the irish creme.
<Assenema>	Excellent.
Geographypoet has joined #logicopedia
<Geographypoet>	Oh, Alabania, Oh, Alabania, such sweet splendor upon thine chicken 
<Assenema>	Bravo, resident poet! Your performance is excellent.
<Yahooplex>	Hm.
<Assenema>	Is Hinderlight almost here? He's going to miss LogiCon of 2007.
<TalkativePenguin> Oh, yes, yes! I'm quite finished now. You see, the coffee is done! 
I've brewed the coffee and everything! I'll bring it over here! Right now! Oh, yes, 
<Hinderlight>	My, those comedy wikians are quite cruel disobedient rascals, are they 
<Assenema>	You are telling me, friend. I've never seen anyone worse than them.
<Frostviper>	Nor have I.
<TalkativePenguin> Oh, yes, yes, yes! Yes indeed!
<Assenema>	So, shall we?
Oreo (unaffiliated@damn.hammer.spammer) has joined #logicopedia.
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Oreo>		I'M IN UR B4SE K1LL1N UR D00DS
<Assenema>	Oh dear, whatever shall we do?
		** Notaponce sets mode +b *@damn.hammer.spammer
<Assenema>	Notaponce! How rude of you to silence someone like that. Oh well.

And then they all drank their tea, and life was good. Main Page