Americans on the English

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“Go drink tea!”

- Average American when talking to a British person

The normal opinion on the English in an American's perspective is based on nothing other than Harry Potter, Austin Powers, and general stereotypes. For example, the American with average intelligence believes that every English person is an avid tea drinker who has horrendous teeth and may be a wizard. The last is mainly due to Harry Potter which leads many Americans to believe that all English people are wizards. American kids have been known to go to England and ask random teenagers "where their wand is". Austin Powers is responsible for the assumption that all English have bad teeth. That is not the case. I mean really. Have you been to the southern United States? I guarantee you that more Americans in the south have bad teeth than all of England. Also, the tea stereotype came from the infamous Boston Tea Party. I guess most Americans associate that it was a British ship. I hate to break it to you, but they were shipping US the tea. I mean, are you that stupid? WE were the ones who couldn't live without tea. Also, in case you're wondering, THEY invented English. Sure, we made some changes, better or for worse (*cough* Ebonics *cough*) but no matter what, they should be asking us, "Are you speaking English?" because more or less it's their language. Don't make my attack be misleading, certain English people are easy to mis-hear what they say.

So the moral of the story is, every time you hear a British person, laugh and completely disregard what I said.