An Attempt to Beat the World's Longest Sentence

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There was once this guy named Jim and he said "Hey" and on a completely unrelated note, I'm not gay; I know isn't it amazing and speaking of amazing, firetrucks are cool like birds with ten sets of ears wait that was just a dream but oh well this is a lot harder than I thought because I want to keep ending this god damn mother forking sentence but somehow I pull out a way not to end this dumb ass stupid sentence that I made to beat this guy User:Readmesoon's record of the World's Longest Sentence because I like to show people up and shit like that then again that's kinda gay but like what I said before I am not a gay person so don't hate on this shit because if you do I will pop a freaking cap in your ass and I bet you didn't know that I was that gangster but yeah I be gangster for like fo' rizzlez and shizzles my nizzle and I like to talk like Snoop Dawg and speaking of Snoop Dawg I really want to drop this stupid idea like it's hot and draw a picture but no I will keep on going because I'm a trooper and I don't stop things.

Oh shit.

I ended my sentence didn't I?

Well, Readmesoon, it seems you are truly better than me at making long sentences.

How the hell did you write that much?