And then there were ten...

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Ten people on an island. It was for the new game show, "Survival" on FOX. They had to live on a deserted island and just live there. There were going to be competitions but CBS sued over the similarity to "Survivor" I'm not going to introduce all of the characters now because that would be cliche; not to mention boring. I'll introduce them when the time comes; believe me.

So they were sitting around a campfire chatting when the macho-tough guy went back to camp to get some water. He decided to cut through the forest to save time. Dire mistake, tsk, tsk, tsk. If only he knew the murderer was in the woods.


And then there were ten...

"Where did Derek go?" Molly asked. The rest of the group shrugged. They could care less about him. If only they weren't all talking so loud; for they may have been able to hear his last plea, just before his demise.

And then there were nine...

But Molly wouldn't give up; oh sweet-hearted school teacher, Molly. She kept asking and asking.

Finally Reggie screamed, "Girl. He's fine. What could have happened? Did a murdered get him or something? No."

But oh yes, Reggie, oh yes. Paul tried to break the tension by singing a campfire song about his life in some obscure hicktown in Alabama.

No one really respected Paul in his no-shirt and jeans look with his camo hat. He was kinda... Redneck-y.

Molly had to raise her voice again, "Hello! Where the hell is Derek?"

Reggie again answered, "If you care so much about Derek, why don't you go look for him."

"Fine!" she pouted and scampered off. They all shrugged and kept talking.

Molly started calling, "Derek?" repeatedly. She searched the black forest and followed where she thought he went. When she saw her surroundings she knew she was lost.

"Oh now what?" she asked herself. She turned around to go to what she thought was the camp. Too bad for her it was the murderer's lair.

The others just sat and talked. This time they heard her scream and it startled them. For if they were to run, they would have saved her. But those scared souls didn't run. Molly bled out to death; two hours after she screamed.

And then there were eight...

They all decided to head back to camp for the night, but this time they avoided the forest. They didn't want to go in there in the dead of night. None of the eight slept a wink but they all woke up when the sun shined bright. They all met and discussed the last night's events.

"Something's going on out there," said Theresa, "Two people went missing. Not to mention we heard Molly scream."

Reggie agreed, "Damn, I told her not to. It's my fault. I never took it seriously."

"Yeah," said April, "And you should be ashamed of yourself."

Paul jumped in the conversation, "Nothing's gonna happen if we play the blamestorming game. It's none of our faults. I'm going in that forest."

Of course, looking back on it, it wasn't a good idea to go in the forest but nevertheless he marched in, holding nothing but a metal rod. Also he probably should have came in with backup but of course, he didn't.

He walked in shouting, "Where are ye? Come out and play." Obviously he would come out and play. He trudged through deeper and deeper until he found the killer's cave. He took a torch and stuck it in.

He felt a pull on it and was dragged in.

And then there were seven...

"He's been gone for six hours," pleaded Marcia.

Greg tried to reason with her, "He's fine. Okay, he's not."

Russel came up with an idea, "Let's burn down the forest. Then the mother fucker can't hide."

They all agreed and through tons of matches into the forest. Soon the forest was engulfed in flames.

Suddenly April realized something, "Where's Loren?"

Marcia had a blank look on her face, "She, she, was getting her bag in the forest."

They turned to where they heard a shrill scream. They ran towards the scream but none were willing to go in.

And then there were six...

Marcia turned and threw up on the ground. Russel tried to comfort her. The mood wasn't pretty. Everyone just stared. They murdered Loren.

Reggie sighed, "At least we got the killer..."

Marcia came up to him and slapped him, "At least we got the killer?! How dare you! Does human life mean that little to you?"

"Well the only time," Reggie said, "She was mentioned is when she died so she must be unimportant."

April took a knife and ran after Reggie, "You fucking son of a bitch!" Reggie ran away before she got close.

She fell to her knees crying. "Why?" she screamed.

Greg then asked everyone, "Where are the producers?"

They all shouted towards where they believed cameras where. There was no avail.

Russel tried to get everyone back alert, "We need to stay on top of things. We're not done yet."

Just then Greg spoke up, "Where's the knife?" They turned towards the left end of the beach to see April slitting her throat with the knife. Marcia threw up again.

And then there were five...

"There are five of us left and we're alone," said Theresa, "What do we do now?"

"I don't know what you do; I'm going for a swim," said Russel.

He threw off his shirt and dove into the water. He kept splashing around telling the others to get in. As he was about 30 feet out he took what seemed to be a long dive.

They awaited him to come back up still encouraging them to come in. Instead, they saw the water turn red.

And then there were four...

Reggie threw his bag, "Fuck! The killer is in the water. We did nothing other than kill whatsername with that fire. Russel, that shit, thought it was a good idea."

Greg tried to reason, "Throwing a tantrum isn't gonna do anything."

Marcia broke the long silence that ensued, "What do we do now?"

Reggie answered, "The only thing to do. Wait."

They waited an interminable length of time. Forever it seemed. Silent. Silent. Silent.

Finally Theresa spoke, "Can I go over there to pee?"

Reggie snorted, "Knock yourself out." She walked what was only about 15 feet and began to pee.

Greg laughed, "You must have drank a lot." Marcia and Reggie laughed as well.

Theresa turned around to walk back but was dragged into the forest.

And then there were three...

"Of course..." said Reggie who was now getting tired of this.

"He's everywhere at once," Marcia cried, "You guys have to do something!"

Reggie screamed at her, "You can shut the hell up! What do you want us to do? Why can't you do it? How about you do."

Reggie lifted her up and threw her in the forest.

Greg looked at him with angry eyes. Reggie turned around and began to pick at a sandwich. Greg just sat and stared into the forest.

Reggie looked at him, "What are you looking at? She's gonna come out once she stops wanting us to get scared," he took a bite, "She just wants us to agree with her. I know her type."

They heard a female scream; Greg looked at Reggie, "You know her type..."

And then there were two...

"Two left, eh?" said Reggie.

Greg quickly retorted, "You say it so nonchalantly. Like everyday you're being hunted by a murderer."

"All right," said Reggie, "What do we do now?"

"I don't know..."

They sat down facing the forest just staring, as if waiting for something to happen. Heard a propeller sound in the distance and looked out to sea. They saw a FOX helicopter coming to pick them up. They both got up and waved their arms. They were safe... not. Out from the forest came five knives, all of which hit Reggie in the head.

And then there was one...

Greg jumped on the helicopter and it sped off.

Greg asked, "Why was no one watching that happen?"

The FOX executive laughed, "This is FOX. The show got canceled after episode 1."