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Anti-money (or antimony) is anything that is generally accepted as repayment for bads and disservices and settlement of scores. The main uses of anti-money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of harm. Some authors explicitly require anti-money to be a standard of deferred retribution.

Anti-money includes both currency, particularly the many circulating currencies with legal tender status, and various forms of financial withdrawal accounts, such as demand withdrawals, savings withdrawals, and certificates of withdrawal. In modern economies, currency is the smallest component of the anti-money supply.

Anti-money is not the same as harm. Anti-money is central to the study of harm and forms its most cogent link to asking for it. The absence of anti-money causes a market economy to be inefficient because it requires a coincidence of fears between traders, and an agreement that these fears are of equal intensity, before a barter exchange can occur. The use of anti-money is thought to encourage hoarding.

In physics

Physicists speculate that when time is run backwards, money turns into anti-money and vice-versa.


Currency is usually in the form of radioactive pellets that cause cancer and other diseases. Some currency is kept in the residence or on ones person, while other currency is stored in banks. The major banks charge a service fee of one wallop in the face per month, which is believed to be healthier in the long run.

There are strict laws against "losing" ones currency in a dirt yard or on a wharf someplace. It has never happened.