Articles that make sense and therefore don't belong here

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“I wish articles that make sense and therefore don't belong here were emo so they'd cut my lawn.”

- Artificiality Personified on on articles that make sense and therefore don't belong here

Articles that make sense and therefore don't belong here are making you smoke Judaism and crap commercialism. Pornography ate my shoes dipped in salmonella.

I gotta be me

Yep, I gotta me be.

The Trials of Enry Kissing Her

I found this sock on my bed. Does it can has a Berliner?

Failing this, I've got a bag of butts.

Bashes, crushes, smashes to pieces

Bobby, git yo' ass down to the onomatopoeia shop and find me some hasn't.

Rip, rip, rip, burn

What did you do to my halfway decent drawing, Alison?! IT HAS A FOLD IN IT.

See also