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Duncan says:
jon says:
we were both logged into seppy's pc and both typing at once
jon says:
which gets confusing
Duncan says:
jon says:
im going bed-ward
Duncan says:
bed pan
jon says:
bed wut
Duncan says:
bed wet
jon says:
bed pet
Duncan says:
bed head
jon says:
bed dead
Duncan says:
bed wed (mariage night sex)
jon says:
bed lead (very heavy duvet)
Duncan says:
bed  shed (for sad old men who want to paint model soldiers all the time!)
jon says:
bed bread (for those who enjoy breakfast minus the effort of getting up)
Duncan says:
bed's bed (where do you think your bed sleeps)
jon says:
bed Jed...i (sleep, you must)
Duncan says:
bed sled (wheee)
jon says:
bed cred (bed's a big playa on the street, dawg)
Duncan says:
bed sled-   ge hammer (for prison inmates who need to break rocks throughout the
WHOLE of their term) jon says: bed med- itation (zzzzzzzz...hummmmmm...zzzzzzzz) Duncan says: bed medication (no AIDs in this bed!) jon says: bed re-incarnation (reborn as a scatter-cushion) Duncan says: bed redecoration (what poofs do in bed as opposed to sleeping/sex) jon says: bed dodecahedron (for odd shaped people) Duncan says: bed dehydration (always ensure your bathroom is adjacent to your room, or the BSPCA
will pay you a visit) jon says: bed castration (we just snip off the bedposts and presto...) Duncan says: bed molestation (why is there a dildo under my pillow?) jon says: bed moderation (no sleep in for yoo) Duncan says: bed post-modernism (my matress cut down my shed, made it into a boat, sailed across
the channel, then rebuilt the shed. WTF?) jon says: bed loves-foreignism (my bed keeps pictures of french people under itself) Duncan says: bed latudinal irrigation (water distributed evenly to all beds. Makes sense) jon says: bed latitudinal aggrovation (bloody latitude!) Duncan says: bed lice chew'd in all angles (my legs are totalled) jon says: fred likes jews dressed as angels (fred has issues) Duncan says: bled life juice, deaf as a result (ear boxing is all fun and games for a while....) jon says: Jedi lose, head in salt (need....better...rhymes...) Duncan says: Said I, "led in malt" (whisky mixed with brain damage = BRAIN FUCK) jon says: steven fry, i exalt (i think highly of him, its true) Duncan says: QI, i-s x-clusive (Steven Fry once again) jon says: do I, be reclusive? (you callin me a hermit, foo'?) Duncan says: Euw. I see loose sieve (whole grains get through) jon says: Fool. Icey cruise ship (titanic) Duncan says: Cool pricey bruised shit (fruit. To the EXTREME!) jon says: Tool! I can use this! (clever resourceful man) Duncan says: Woah. High Canoo risk (flying jungle men in their boats are a hidden danger) jon says: goal, i can do this! (be confident and you will succeed, according to childrens TV) Duncan says: Whole Pecan, doth is (thine pecan, t'is) jon says: bowl of pee and jizz (one helluva party) Duncan says: Foal off P Diddy (when did he start dealing baby dears?) jon says: towel off that kiddie! (pedo-man strikes again) Duncan says: Shallow toff's flacid pie (the viagra just doesn't work anymore) jon says: Hasslehoff's massive eye (which he uses for seeing...massively) Duncan says: DAZ all of Smash's sieve pie. (that detergent will turn Smash's jaculate stains even whiter!) jon says: thats all from you and I (because I RLY need to go to bed)