Boring Purple Monkey Dishwaser

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Boring Boring Boring Purple Monkey Dishwasher is a 1996 album from popular folk rock band Green Day. It contains 23 live tracks, dating from 1996 to 1996.


Seven thousand six hundred and ninety two people bought it but seven thousand five hundred and ninety nine people returned it shortly after. The only people who didn't return it were lead "singer" Billie Joe Armstrong's mom (At the time of purchase, she had been apparantly smoking crack), and ninety two crackheads who were also smoking crack at the time of purchase. Rumor has it that the CD came with a dimebag of crack in the liner notes booklet.

Cult Following

Many stoners think that Boring Boring Boring Purple Monkey Dishwasher is the greatest album of all time. This is only because they are on drugs, creating an illusion that this album is good. It is played as the soundtrack to the John Waters movie Pink Flamingos or David Lynch movie Eraserhead at some midnight screenings.

Story Behind The Appearance Of "Canadian Idiot" Two Times On The CD

Canadian Idiot is played on the CD two times, for some reason. Billie Joe pronounces "Canada" like "Canadia" during the song showing you that he was obviously kitten huffing shortly before the song was performed. That may also be the reason why it was played two times. Either way, the crowd ate it up like a freaking pot brownie.


  1. Canadian Idiot
  2. LOL-iday
  3. Jesus Of Rural And Generally Inner City Areas
  4. We're Only Calling This Song Geek Stink Breath So You Don't Think It's About Meth Use
  5. She's A "Rebel"
  6. 2000 Monkeys Away
  7. Homecumming
  8. Wake Me Up When Our Next Show Starts
  9. Extendedvision
  10. We Can't Call This Song Basket Case Anymore Because People Think It's Offensive So Now It's Called Insane
  11. The Grinch
  12. Walking Contra Addiction
  13. Mind Soup
  14. Good Mittens
  15. This Song Was On The Varsity Blues Soundtrack So You Have To Like It (aka Nice Guys Finish Last)
  16. Macy's Gay Parade
  17. We're Only Calling This Song King For A Day So You Don't Think It's About Crossdressing
  18. When I Come Around Will Be A Long Time From Now So We'll Call This Song When I Come Around
  19. Street Of Fractured Fantasies
  20. We'll Call this Song Minority So You'll Think You Relate To It Because You're A Guy That Wears Eyeliner
  21. We Can't Call This Song Burnout Anymore Because There's A Game Called Burnout So We'll Call This Stoner
  22. Pimpin' A Ride
  23. constipation


Boring Boring Boring Purple Monkey Dishwasher is available at the following places:

Boring Boring Boring Purple Monkey Dishwasher Emporium For All Your Boring Boring Boring Purple Monkey Dishwasher Needs

Mike Dirnt's Basement

That Cryptex in The Da Vinci Code had the liner notes in it, which must be why they wanted to open the damn thing so badly. You know, because of the crack.

Fifty or so locations in Europe.

Good luck with those damn hostels.

I think Oprah Winfrey might have a copy.

You could always steal it from Billie Joe's mom.