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This woc is just about to take an afternoon brap.

Brap? Forget 3 years of cumpulsory undergratitude, this word alone is enough to land you any job. And by land I mean as in to 'land a fish', not 'land a spacecraft', or 'i fell onto some land and hurt myself and it was sore and I cried' you insignifcant jar of marmalade. I myself left my dead end job at Goldman Sachs after saying Brap, and now I'm raking in the dosh as a self-unemployed rocket mechanic. Brap. It also causes your toes to fall off and your genitalia to be replaced by plastic action man pants.

But its not all good. I mean, there are only so many great jobs out there. Someone has to work as the toilet cleaners and boardroom executives. Brap isn't for these people, or their pets. Or anyone who's even remotely the same colour as them. Brap is racist.

Brap? Maybe you were thinking of Bra P, the most ridiculous size of bra available. The women with them are all like "Bra, activate!" and all these rockets go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH as they try and lift their knockers off the floor and stuff. People have drowned in that kind of cleavage. The store mannequin rode in after them on a Brapasaurus Rex but even it couldn't save them. They're probably up in the great Brap in the sky now, sipping on the gin and jews.

Or maybe you were thinking of Brantazarrap. You weren't though, because it isn't even a real word. Why would you think of something that doesn't make sense like that? Maybe you should look into therapy, I hear they're pretty good at it these days. At least that's what one of the therapods told me, but I reckon she was just trying to pony the last of her coupons off on me. Did I mention I have coupons?

Brap eh yeah wot wot blad innit and ting aight? And then I procured Shannon for some of the sexual intercourse, and within the hour she was as pregnant as she is underage. So that's the council house taken care of, a rather productive afternoon wouldn't you say?

The BellEnd