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For thousands of years, people have looked up the night's skirt and watched the movements of the cow as it feebly attempted to jump over the moon - resulting in a ruptured kidney bean and a media circus. This controversy killed off any hopes of a return of the popular barbershop music genre. To fill the void of silence and pensioners conversing in the supermarket plan B was put into action. The campest brand of music ever, sealed off from the real world since it's discovery in the ice-age was released into the world. However such an emergency called for drastic action - without music all kinds of people had already begun to converse together and the Emo's were facing extinction within the week. The genre started slowly taking key elements from it's roots at construction sites, eventually gaining world wide popularity, albeit for a short amount of time. The bands used were ideal for the genre. Bald, muscley to the point of homoeroticity and dressed in tightly fitting clothes often seen at the west-end male strip clubs they walked onto the music scene. They even had a bit of their rectums on show. The world was saved!

Impact on popular culture

Despite saving the world and lasting only a few years the music genre has had lasting negative effects on the world. It is believed by experts that with the emergence of arguably the most famous builder band Right Said Fred that baldness to a certain degree became mandatory in 2/3 of men, 1/68 of women and a whopping 100% of naked mole rats.

“With the emergence of arguably the most famous builder band Right Said Fred that baldness to a certain degree became mandatory in 2/3 of men, 1/68 of women and a whopping 100% of naked mole rats.”

- Expert on on baldness caused by builder music

Also men working in the construction setting became stereotypical builders with their trousers always being to small to fit over their posterior. In a bizzare twist the radiation from the camp music has led to builders becoming ravanous cowboys at the new moon. In this form they will force entry into the elderly and dimwitted's houses and perform destructive construction work for outrageous prices. They also appear to need cups of tea to survive in this form.