Burbling is even more fun than planking. Let me tell you what burbling is....
Once I typed some random stuff and I came up with Burble. Why burble? That question has been ask for many a generation.. I think. You must burble or else Mike and Dave will come after you. I once burbled so much that I fell over. To understand burble more enjoy the burble poem. Many a turtle was eaten On that hateful fateful night When big ugly monster Bit off my eyes When the toes were blowing in the wind the hobo felt the sun
Poem Meaning
I think the hobo was a symbol for burbling. And the monster was Mike.... So in conclusion mike was hating about a turtley snack and some toes fell off. And the burbling began.
I can't believe you're still reading this
I guess I should tell you what burble is... BUT I WONT!!! LOL TROLLFACE