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Camping is an activity based trip men (and possibly women) undertake by going out into the bush for a few days, finetuning their behaviour and scoial etiquette to match that of the flouncy gay guy stereotype. Using their attractively matched clothes and neck scarves to attaract mates of the same sex, camping is a decideley gay activity. Pink drinks with umbrellas are established camping staples, along with Gok Wan, Liam, and being crippled by Texans.

... the Tabloids would have you believe.


Camping is actually the single biggest threat society has ever faced, and must be hunted down, killed, doused with fire, and it's charred bullet ridden corpse thrown into the pit of eternal fiery damnation immediately if any of us are to be saved. Camping operates alone, stalking it's human prey and impaling them on poorly nailed in tent pegs. Those that it takes under it's protection to work for him are deluding themselves, sooner or later they all wake up to find their sleeping bag revolving slowly over the campe fire, with them very much still inside.

... the small print on the free toys in Happy Meals would have you believe.


I dunno, camping's this thing you do with people, and turtles when in Rome. You famously sleep outdoors, but indoors, usually inside a tent. Unless you sleep outside of the tent, or have no tent whatsoever (you peasant bastard), in which case you actually sleep outdoors, though this in itself is a fallacy as all of us our outside at least one door somewhere, (barring a short period in 1969 when doors were connected to the onset of the menopause and burned en mass). You either like camping or you don't, or you don't mind it, or find it frustrating, or maybe arousing. Perhaps you find it very arousing, so arousing that you feel compelled to ram your webcam right into your kidneys and send me the footage.

... my porn collection would have you believe.


Camping is JEY-SCHUS!

... some guy I vaguely connected with at a party would have you believe.


Wait. ... Actually, yes. Haven't we all learned something today? Class dismissed.