Chain letters

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Why do people send chain letters?

Hi, I'm -----

is it that if they don't send them on to at least 10 friends they will:

  • Be gossiped about by people whose opinion isn't worth **** and whose reputation is worth less than that
  • Get vomited on by homeless people
  • Witness their boy or girl or animal friend cheating on them with Noel Edmonds
  • Their genitalia will wither up and fall off, forming a very depressing lump on the ground that is quickly devoured by skunks which subsequentially choke and die violently on their carpets?
  • The economic downturn will get worse and you'll be forced to raid the Synagogue's foreskin bin for clothing material.

That probably has something to do with it.

But mainly because they're morons

don't be a moron, and remember what Harry the Hotmail Hippo always says, "stop yourself from being a fail and don't pass on that email."

Disclaimer: If you don't pass this email on to your whole contact list in the next 30 minutes, well, umm, uhhhh, ....I'll get really really upset and cry.