Chum Bucket

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The Chum Bucket is a local business run in the middle of the Dumbtacular Ocean in which serves "chum", some kind of mixture of snazberries and vital organs. The business is an operation of Chum Bucket Inc., a corporation run by Mr. Sheldon Plankton and Mr. Marshall Mathers. It is rivaled by the Krusty Krab, a deliberate misspelling due to communist ideals and the Burger King, some place that serves a Whopper with some mad fries. Maury Povich is the CEO of CBI and the manager of the only CB location.


Plankton and Mathers created the restaurant in 1452 on one single basis: "if it's edible, we don't want it." Thus, this explains the inedibility of their food. Then, they founded the Chum Bucket and Chum Bucket Inc. on this dream. It is known as being a failure and that's all. George Bush was the only customer the Chum Bucket ever had. In 1999 B.C.D., Mathers left the Chum Bucket, thus Plankton was forced to run the company by himself.


They are an extremely rare condition that is cured by the awful food and lack of atmosphere.


CBI has been accused of trying to steal the fictional secret recipe from rival restaurant Krusty Krab. Or was it Burger King? Not sure on that one. Anyway, these allagations are completely made up and Plankton didn't pay us any sum of money to say this.

See Also