Clouds are America's greatest threat

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Yes, clouds are the number 1 threat to America. While we are focused with the Iraq War and oil the clouds will destroy the U.S.

The Proof

When you look at clouds doesn't it look like they are plotting something? See what I mean. There have been sightings of weapons of mass destruction and guns in the clouds. You know how sometimes you see clouds that look like pillows? That's a disguise they use to make people think they're harmless but at night, when you can't see them, they plot and plot. The proof is overwhelming.

How to Survive Attacks

Now that you know that clouds are very dangerous to mankind and people need to know how to survive and prevent attacks.

Ways to Prevent Attacks

  • Live in a area with little clouds
  • Shoot clouds with guns
  • Send death threats on a balloon to the clouds.
  • Buy cloud insurance
  • Do a rain dance so the clouds will let all their rain out and go away
  • Drink all the water in a local lake to prevent clouds
  • Live in a lead box in the center of the earth. They will never get there.

The More You Know

Now you know the dangers of clouds what will you do? Go on with life like nothing happened, or get up and make a difference. We need to spread the word. Tell everyone you know about the dangers of clouds. What you used to think is just a harmless cloud is a threat to society. If you actually want to make a difference go to