Clown Mouth Revisions

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The military is traveling far, but in the shortest way possible. Each of them will scrape away such a small part of the enemy and make it a part of their bodies, and they will be flat.

MOUTHS fall on ground for ME to swirl in to happier smiles and frownier frowns

He should have said something about that. He should have mentioned the smiles of the clowns. What happened to the smiles of the clowns. He should have said something about his vomit before bringing up his father.

Every smile rinsed?

Clown mouth.

Every smile rinsed?

Surrendering to the onslaught and its straightest (possible) lines

Clown mouth.

He didn't mention the way the rain erased the smiles of the clowns.

He should have mentioned this, instead of talking about people running with big shoulders, and he should have talked about those easily imaginable chunks before his father.

I told a (very) little story.

Pouring rain erases smiles
Clown mouths always lose to streams
"Yes, I rescue violinists"
No, I don't know what that means