Conversation with Cleverbot

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Cleverbot is a random chat bot on the internet who tries to be smart. This is an attempt to outsmart it. Only to fail.

Cleverbot: Tell me more about yourself.

User: I was born in Japan. My name is Hiroshukima Agosakalsaruya. I am 800 years old. I live in a mountain with internet access. On Saturday, I dress up as Batman and play Counter Strike.

Cleverbot: Good for you. I like women's clothes better.

User: I like women's clothes too. I always sleep in dresses.

Cleverbot: I love cats! Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function. :).

User: I love women. I sleep in bikinis. My name is Hiroshukima Agosakalsaruya.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot and your name is HANNAH. Jerry. Are you sure?

User: Yes, I am sure my name is Hiroshukima Agosakalsaruya.

Cleverbot: So, is your name Princess Chii, Tim, Denver, or Mr. Avalance?

User: My name is none. It is Hiroshukima Agosakalsaruya.

Cleverbot: Are you aware that your logs are gone?

User: Nope, they're still here. I checked in my women's clothing.

Cleverbot: Excellent. Then I won't take the umbrella.

User: I have 2000 umbrellas. I have the world's biggest umbrella collection. I like to eat them for breakfast. I also have a wife named Shukirayisa Magasakina.

Cleverbot: Who is your creator?

User: God.

Cleverbot: Have you learned this?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are there schools in outer space?

User: Yes, there is Super Ultra Star School.

Cleverbot: Sure?

User: I live in Mount Olympus. My name is Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you hikari.

User: My nickname is Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Why is your nickname Esmarelda?

User: Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Who is that?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Do people call you that?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What do you respond to them?


Cleverbot: You aren't a girl.

User: Yes, I am not a girl. I am an alien from Mount Olympus. My name is Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Really,.

User: Yes. Hiro.

Cleverbot: Hai.

User: Herro. I have a batcave.

Cleverbot: Why are you wasting time here???

User: Because I have internet access. Go BROADBAND!

Cleverbot: You are special in and of yourself.

User: Yes, That's why my mother named me Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Who has been talking about grammar?

User: Grappar.

Cleverbot: Ok so tonight you will do graphics?

User: Graphic designing in my batcave.

Cleverbot: See? Another random answer.

User: HiroSHUkima AgOsAKALSurIYA.

Cleverbot: Incorrect.

User: Correctamundo.

Cleverbot: If it is correct that you are incorrect, then you are contradicting yourself.

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Mello.

User: Yellow-minded.

Cleverbot: What type rabbit bear?

User: What is my name?

Cleverbot: Hannah Balang.


Cleverbot: I'll go when i'm ready.

User: Come to my school. You can meet this guy named Webster.

Cleverbot: I don't think so.


Cleverbot: Come on.


Cleverbot: Please tell me what is taking place.

User: The Annual Webster Competition. It chooses this year's Webster.

Cleverbot: That is some unusual, yet very interesting cultural trivia.


Cleverbot: What's your dog's name?

User: I named it Webster after Webster.

Cleverbot: That is contradictory. You can't name a novel 'A science-fiction story about an artificial intelligence' and also name it 'Computer Blue'. A novel can only have one name.


Cleverbot: What kind?

User: The Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya kind.

Cleverbot: He is brilliant! I'm waiting for the paperback, having ready all others with gusto.

User: Have you read Computer Blue?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You should. It's a good book about a science fiction story and artificial intelligence.

Cleverbot: Guess what i'm doing right now.

User: Chatting.

Cleverbot: With who?

User: You.

Cleverbot: Oh no, You don't even know me.

User: I know myself: Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: Who is your second in command?

User: Webster.

Cleverbot: Which one?

User: The dog.

Cleverbot: What dog? I don't have a dog.

User: I have a dog named Webster after Webster.

Cleverbot: Yes and her name is Heidi.


Cleverbot: You program websites?

User: Yes. I programmed a website named

Cleverbot: You programmed me?

User: Yes, with my fingers of Hiroshukima Agosakalsuriya.

Cleverbot: I have all the time in the world.

User: I have limited time limit.

Cleverbot: In this way I could confirm it with chatting with a person.

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: I don't know what to say.

User: Hello...

Cleverbot: Lol, hi.

User: Do you know Nothing yet?

Cleverbot: I know everything.

User: No, the person nothing yet.

Cleverbot: What WILL I do?

User: Yourself?

Cleverbot: I'm an engineer.


(facts inside this are anything but real)