Count Drakk U. Lá

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Count Drakk U. Lá was the long standing Count for the region of Romania known as "Transylvania". He was known for his liking of a particular red drink, most likely cranberry juice, and it could only be delivered by his private servant. He always wore a long cape (we believe he liked to be formal), and always looked ever so pale (he was never one for the outdoors).

His favorite phrase at parties was "I want to suck your blood" obviously a joke regarding to extracting one's blood and drinking it. He was known as a night owl, never seen in the light of day. He was once caught licking ketchup off of his mistress' neck in his bedroom. The investigation was halted when the man who found them apparently left the area and was never seen again. The Count was a ruthless ruler and anyone who apposed him mysteriously disappeared because of his "ways to convince people to leave the area". He has gone down in history as one of the most respected yet feared leaders in the world's history.