Dame Edna Everage

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“AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGHHH-HHH-HH-HYes!!! Now my vocal chords have broken I can qualify as a disabled woman.

- Dame Edna Everage on on faking his/her own death!

A Threat to your type-writer with a phone attached your communist your strike through computethingie.

Dame Etna Everidge is definately a threat to the above. Once she has wooed your firewall into submission with your spyware and virus protection as his/her/it's bits on the side, she will attempt to play a rampant game of lego soldiers with your computer.

Generally this doesn't work because your computer is like drunk and is currently appearing offline. It explodes into a thousand pizzas leaving you bored and frustrated as you have exam leave and feel like crap decapitated.

See also