Donuts are these small round things.
They're kind of small.
One day this guy got some play-doh and put it in a lightbulb, therefore creating ceiling fans. Because of this, we all now know that dictionaries are a creation of the supreme bungee jumping cord. Of course, it originated in Bosnia, not to mention a light shower in Perth in the afternoon. And speaking of books, I'd also like to mention that a large war has started in the shopping mall, although many might define it as a smiggle-smurfy-smash. And now for some complete nonsense:
AAAAAAA 667755&Gggggggg ((((((HAXXOR))))))))) 009009)))) Hellowhatis your anme i 'm trying to type really reallfy fast withotu actually trying so yeah so don't wory abotu7777777788997979797979797
Russian Pictographs
Donuts are yummy.
Very yummy.
Let's eat!
Famous eaters of donuts
Homer Simpson.
Police officers.
Fun facts
The Great Wall of Italy is made entirely of donuts.
Donuts have been known to cause blindness in apples.
Donuts can float in vinegar.