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“I'm nto Dsyxelic!!”

- You, Yes you! on On Pies on fire

“Post mikang fun fo sexiayld! 'Sit ton nunfy!”

- Dyslexic man on on stereotypes.

Dylsxeia is wehn yuo spele tinhgs in a wried way. Eevyrnthig is mxied up. Its as if yuo cna't raed aynhtnig rgiht. Is't aslo kwnon as Lysdexia.

omgg ,s o i was readding wiakipedai and tehnn when i got to wikaiepdia i was liek pomg i cant readd ur articlale so i decdided tahet ishuld fix ur grammre i have done ti now!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@! i lvoe you wikiapeida i want to ahve your babeis !@@@@@@@@ but not if their balck i ehate ngers1 jk lol im bto racisrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttt u r tho lollll jk lol i gto u im nto adcsit oyu rnot racist inf act ih av ma by baclekd mates so stufuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu nerds jkkk uir not nerds i loveu lets have hot anal jk lol i like making jokes

Why Pie?

Pie is a good source of vitamin Z! Il ike oatmeal. But I hate Oats. RAHAHAHA!!!! Pie includes Apple Pie Dylxseia pie and more.

Buring cats is fun so look at this: CATS ON FIRE MAKE GOOD PIES.

is liek cahtspaek

Wyh, it be liek cahtseakp!

Dsyxleia and RMDs

Dsylexia can occur atfer an otubarek of RMDs Then Fire comes and eats yuo up as Smokey the Bear tires to klil yuo. Then obviously I Shall (Shall is a fun word) Try saying Shall times: SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL SHALL. THEN THE MOON COMES OUT TO SAY THIS IN your FACWE:

THE MOON KNOS!!!!!!!! I KNO THT II love Oat mEal But I hatE OatS!!!!!!!! LALAALLAA Figth the Power Come to TeH DaRK SIde!!!!1 GRAHH!!HAHAH! Lets give you Liknks tht Dont WorK!!! : The Combuistible toothPaste!!! The YogA Master of Y ougurts!!!]

Aslo, the Wra of 1812. (I olny mnetoin it becuaes I am bornig.)


In Conclusion

This is why The War of 1812 was an important part of the world's history. Thank you for listening to Our Snobbish Hour of Boring Taslk of Old people. THank you.