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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

The Femviper is a sexy version of Flameviper who is sometimes an ally of Illogicopedia and sometimes Flameviper. a servant (by choice) of the AAH Vandal and a master in the art of impalement. She can turn into a very naughty (and vaguely sexy) sorceress who can seduce you to avoid your attacks, then turn into a golden sausage. Unless you have an Anagram-Rearranging wand, you can't win against her, because she fires a BEAM OF DARK ENERGY and GREASE BALLS OF DOOM at you. Kinda evil, don't you think?

[16:40]	<Flameviper>	I think my internet is about to explode
[16:40]	-->|	Femviper (i=45513203@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-e3e25343b9508118) has joined #illogicopedia
[16:41]	<Femviper>	Hey there...
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	OMG a femviper!
[16:41]	<Femviper>	Sup, Flamey?
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	nothing much
[16:41]	<Femviper>	what have you been up to?
[16:42]	<Flameviper>	I've been biking pieces of wood several miles
[16:42]	<Femviper>	must be hard if you have no arms or feet
[16:42]	<Flameviper>	but I'm tough
[16:42]	<Femviper>	I see
[16:43]	<Flameviper>	what are you doing tonight Femviper?
[16:43]	<Femviper>	nothing really, want to have dinner or something?
[16:43]	<Flameviper>	sure
[16:43]	<Femviper>	okay
[16:43]	<Flameviper>	sweet
[16:43]	|<--	Femviper has left irc.freenode.net (Client Quit)
[16:43]	<Flameviper>	OH YEAH BABY
[16:40]	<Hindleyite>	uh oh, FV's been at the juice again

Important note: Femviper is ambigiously sexy without necessarily being feminine.

Femviper's song

sung to the tune of Barbie Girl

I am Femviper
Desu desu grr! ^^
Hotter than Jessica Rabbit,
Yeah, I would tap it
I post on youtube
A video of my boooobs
If you flag it,
You're a fucking faggot
Come on darling, let's go trolling
Lol lol lol wut?
Come on darling, let's go trolling
Ah, ah, ah yeah
Come on darling, let's go trolling
Desuu, desuu!