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Fields are wonderous creatures; they contain, they observe, they change, and apparently they produce strawberries. Under observation, one may come to see a field of vision but, running ahead, one may merely find strawberry fields forever.

The aimless and the beatniks amongst us may spend our entire lives wandering, never knowing our field. They are, however, always there, grazing on their own existence, diffracting and manipulating as their nature demands. The strawberries are, of course, tasty however you look at them.

At times it does not matter the field you come to fine. Whether there is but a field of dreams or a more real strawberry, or elysian field. Sometimes, all you really need is to get on track and field yourself with a new day. Sometimes there is a Fielders choice, at which point you must learn to say no to the hairy Roman. Other times there is the [Field and Stream], which if you are not careful, will turn you into a mouth breather.

Oh, and did I mention the strawberries?


The Romans invented Fields in 98 B.C. under the tutelage of Julius Ager. He in the first place marked a spot on the ground. Subsequently, he standed that ground from onslaught , declaring none shall pass where he stood. In this field he created an Object field which exemplifies our understanding of a field today. By indicident or occidental happenings, there was a young asian girl there, and the grass was indeed greener there. A round object was inturn near by, and they played ball. This is where we get the term: "if theres grass on the field, play ball".

Unfortunately for the Romans, the Killing field was less powerful compared to the Field day. Subsequently their Phalanxes were no longer field tested, although Ager's mother was quick to approve it none the less.

After the Romans lost on the Battle fields, the branches of fields branched further, leading to the Economics field, Physics field and Rastafarian field, although by the time the Rasatafarian field came about there was already a complete discoherence of fields, leading to the Geordie LaForge Reverse Polarity Paradigm (Describing the reversal of a Field at which point I digresss) and of course, supply side economics had alot to do with the esoteric fields we have today.

Finally came W.C., Nephilim and finally in 1990 came just The. Field has come a long way since that faithful day that Julius Ager played ball on that field.

Notable Fields

  • Electromagnetic
  • Football
  • Economic
  • Proverbial
  • Object
  • Mad ____ (Plural Noun)*
  • Strawberry
  • Dreams, of
  • Physics
  • Economics (Ssssssupply ssssssside)*
  • Quintessssentialism
  • Botulisssm
  • Lisp (or Scheme(Maybe(could be(obscure(this(reference(field(is)))))))
  • Quantum
  • Polarity (see Geordi LaForge Reversal Paradigm)*
  • Reverse Polarity (see mgidaraP egroFaL idreoG Reversal)
  • Binary
  • Singularity
  • Tertiary
  • Zerorary
  • Tested (see Mother Approved)*
  • MetaData
  • The
  • Rastafarian
  • Trip
  • Canabalism
  • Battle
  • Communism
  • Killing
  • Day
  • Elysian
  • Chuck Norris (Highly Disputed)*
  • Grass on the, (Play ball)*
  • Hockey
  • Mrs (mm Cookies)
  • W.C.
  • Nephilim (see Killing)*