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FIREDYSLEXIMATICAVOLCANINUCLEOSIS!!!! Is the hit film by Roger Pathaway, the man who destroyed the Bionic Eye of the 23 Regiment. In the film, the character Philly, a southnorthern eyelash in the midst of a purple desert is fighting a fierce battle between the FIREDYSLEXIMATICA and the VOLCAN. The VOLCAN, which stands for "Volitile Open Lake Crater After Noon," is purging the country side with it's destructive INUCLEOSUS! Can Philly destroy the VOLCAN and save he/she/it's purple desert from a destructive INUCLEOSUS!? The Power, is YOURS!


  • 49327598324 Hours of cinematic masterpiece!
  • And two minutes!
  • The Color Purple!
  • A grand online multiplayer experience!
  • Free Breadsticks!
  • Make your mother proud, buy your iron socks of stench protection!
  • 45 Minutes of actual gameplay!
  • Explosions, Blood, and Fantasy penguins!
  • The Color Red!'
  • A nice crispy smell, kind of like olive oil!


You're not cleared for that! TOUCH MY PICKLE!

Did you check out that echk! Echk!! Echk!! Holy sweet mother of Early Morning Television! It's the DVD special Features!

Wood Player v2.ARXQ

New from Woodtech! WOOD!


Oh, and WOOD! Please do not forget wood or Wood either neither over about! PAINT THE TOWN REDDD!!!!!

See also