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too bizarre for Uncyclopedia,
  but Illogicopedia loves random stuff
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File:Angry fish.gif
picture of a major of fishification, possibly drawn by a crazed lemur

In the beginning there were people and fish people ate fish and fish were eaten by people, everyone was happy (especially the fish god they don't know when they've got something good). Then both races started to communicate. For people it happened like this;

"Hello Bob"
"Holy fuck you can talk! Oh, wait so can I"

And so it was that on the 4rd of septlembimberer 199 AD people were randomly gifted with speech by the great Abu Hamza.

However fish were gifted with the crappy ability of washing their bed sheets with air to make sentences and phrases with the dirt left on the sheets such as,

My stomach is green because it is made out of mashed potato

This was gifted to them by Kleenex tissues the fools. And so the bitchy fish started making up rumors about the people saying things like,

He drank my house of nails. We're more human than those humans will ever be

The horror of Fishification

This is where the fish started to make recruits from fish hating majors this obviously didn't work and all the fish did in aid of fishification was... WAS... politely ask people to join them. Their plan was to detroy the humans from the inside they never did try the very famous fish lovers to help them. And who can blame them that would be too easy.

Chemical Fishification

Eventually the fish realised that their old method was not working, so they decided to look to science in the never ending pointless war against humanity that most humans do not know about and let's admit you did not know about it until now, and up until now all that fish scientists did was update DAZ every 2 minutes. Then they invented fish serum which was meant to change people into fish... it worked. Apart from it only worked on fish, those fish that took the sirum turned into massively compact uber fish that used to be bullied at school so they would go up to their old school bully and say, "Who's ze tough guy now Vinnie" (the name of the real bully has been withheld for illegal reasons)