Flameviper X. Velifang, M.D.

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
[INFO] fonchezzz has entered #office.
<fonchezzz>   BAWWWWWWWWWW
<Flameviper>  What's wrong?
<fonchezzz>   IT DIED
<Flameviper>  What died?
<fonchezzz>   IT
<Flameviper>  Now you're not making much sense.
[INFO] Asema has joined #office.
<Asema>       The ratio of acetylcholinesterase to neurotransmitter acetylcholine is decreasing in the myosin tissue.
[INFO] Flameviper is now known as Dr_Velifang
<Dr_Velifang> Possibly due to a nerve agent?
fonchezzz vomits
<fonchezzz>   I'm sweaty, why is it so hot...
<Asema>       It could be, the patient is experiencing sweating and nausea.
<Dr_Velifang> Is he disoriented?
<Asema>       It's possible.
<Asema>       Are you disoriented?
<fonchezzz>   lol wut?
<Asema>       Do you feel woozy?
<fonchezzz>   oic, no
<Dr_Velifang> Fonchezzz, are you ill?
<fonchezzz>   Of course I'm ill...
'fonchezzz collapses
<Asema>       What is your prophylaxis?
<Dr_Velifang> It isn't an incapacitating agent. Hook him up with 250cc's of pralidoxime chlorate.
<Asema>       What about diezepam?
<Dr_Velifang> Diezepam would work too, I prefer pralidoxime chlorate.
<fonchezzz>   lol u tk him 2da bar|?
<Asema>       How about succinylcholine? It would reverse the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
<Dr_Velifang> No. Succinylcholine and epinephrine wouldn't do a damn thing, they'd just make it worse.
IllegalEagle hands Asema some pralidoxime chlorate.
<Dr_Velifang> Are you ready, Asema?
<Asema>       Yes.
<Dr_Velifang> Intubate the patient!
IllegalEagle shoves a tube down the throat of fonchezzz.
<Dr_Velifang> Insert the intravenous!
<fonchezzz>   O NOES!
Asema jabs a small needle into fonchezzz's arm.
<Dr_Velifang> All right, hook up the pralidoxime chlorate...
Dr_Velifang  counts out several seconds on his hands.
<Asema>       We're losing him!
<Dr_Velifang> NOW!
Asema attaches the bag of medicine to the IV tube.
<fonchezzz> I'm okay, you're okay...
[INFO] Dr_Velifang is now known as Flameviper.
<Dr_Velifang> Good thing we didn't panic.