Fonchezzz Takes It In Questionable Orifices

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

[01:19:10] Spunk: generally you learn to filter that porn out, Brazzers has always been what I imagine college humor would be like if they did porn, so I tend to avoid it
[01:19:51] fonchezzz: EYAA
[01:20:18] Spunk: oh, nice entry
[01:20:22] Spunk: hey Fon
[01:20:37] fonchezzz: MMmmm Testis
[01:20:50] Spunk: good of you to come out for us
[01:21:01] Fonchezzz: Oh i see we are conversing about porn
[01:21:07] Spunk: pretty much
[01:21:38] Fonchezzz: You see... I like it soft core. Just like i like my icecream
[01:23:27] Spunk: I like it rough, like scraping an orhpan's face up against some sandpaper
[01:23:32] Fonchezzz: Oh
[01:23:40] Fonchezzz: thats not normal
[01:23:49] Spunk: what? The orphans love it
[01:23:58] Fonchezzz: I actually dont like real porn at all. Nor do i like orphans
[01:24:14] Fonchezzz: Like... really its gross. I dont need to see that guy doing her
[01:24:22] Fonchezzz: get him out of here
[01:24:34] Spunk: :P you crazy fonchezzz
[01:24:46] Fonchezzz: And a girls anus
[01:24:50] Fonchezzz: I dont need to see that either
[01:24:57] Sheppy: you don't like porn?
[01:25:02] Sheppy: are you gay or something?
[01:25:12] Fonchezzz: read above what i said
[01:25:25] Spunk: well, that's what i thought before i hit puberty too
[01:25:33] Fonchezzz: >:(
[01:25:36] Fonchezzz: No I said...
[01:25:41] Fonchezzz: I dont like guys or anuses
[01:26:03] Spunk: for someone who's not gay you talk a lot about guys and anuses
[01:26:14] Fonchezzz: :/
[01:26:18] Fonchezzz: shut up
[01:26:18] Rubbers: why so guys and anuses?
[01:26:26] Rubbers: fonch, it's okay
[01:26:32] Rubbers: we won't judge you
[01:26:55] Rubbers: i can even send you some pretty nifty links, assuming that, like me, you are into anal thugs
[01:27:13] Fonchezzz: No
[01:27:17] Fonchezzz: Get out of here
[01:27:57] Rubbers: what?
[01:28:01] Spunk: gaynal thugs? That might be more your thing i think
[01:28:02] Rubbers: nothing wrong with being gay, man
[01:28:17] Rubbers: it's just a bit of cock
[01:28:31] Fonchezzz: WHEN DID I COME OUT OF THE CLOSET?!!?
[01:28:51] Spunk: earlier today, we were all stoked and had hi 5s and everything
[01:28:53] Spunk: you were there
[01:29:02] Rubbers: you haven't officially
[01:29:04] Rubbers: but we can tell
[01:29:09] Fonchezzz: LIessss
[01:29:18] Fonchezzz: Im persuing a girl
[01:29:23] Fonchezzz: Believe it
[01:29:38] Rubbers: we brits have an acutely developed gaydar
[01:29:53] Fonchezzz: Its broken
[01:30:05] Rubbers: if you don't wanna come out yet
[01:30:08] Rubbers: that's fine
[01:30:16] Rubbers: but it gets pretty damn hot in there
[01:30:20] Rubbers: with all those old coats
[01:30:44] Fonchezzz: that the closet there
[01:30:59] Rubbers: wanna cyber?
[01:31:06] Fonchezzz: wanna... .not
[01:31:12] Rubbers: aw
[01:31:17] Rubbers: maybe later ;)
[01:31:19] Sheppy: go on, it will be fun
[01:31:27] Spunk: we've all done it