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In Frustralia everyone is tired but no one can sleep. There is always an itch that you can't quite reach, one piece missing from every jigsaw, and you're always one answer short of completing the crossword. Frustralia was founded in 1789 by bastards. Sailing from the west they hit land on the strange island, frustratingly wrecking their ship just miles short of where they originally intended to go to. The flora and fauna are both extremely frustratingly, mostly sexually. No matter how much legwork you put in the with the koalas those sons of leeches will never put out. Fiends. They say they're saving themselves for someone special but I know the truth. Its because I'm an orang-utan with seven chins and breath worse than an egg pickled on God's butt! Well, you may have won this round, but come the sunrise the wok will be on the other foot! Or perhaps I meant picture frame. More likely I'm just some random dude falling through space who doesn't have Sky Sports to keep himself occupied when he's screwed up his sleeping pattern.