Gay Tank

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
jon says:
GayTank...master of homowar
Dunkerschmitt says:
I must redraw it
Dunkerschmitt says:
then add it somewhere
jon says:
does it have an article?
Dunkerschmitt says:
not as of yet
jon says:
jon says:
that tank made year 9 what it was
jon says:
or 10
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
i'll never forget thos kids leaning over us in cuttlians room to get a look
jon says:
we sort of leaned over it
Dunkerschmitt says:
or the fact it was passsed round th staffroom
jon says:
jon says:
all the staff knew
jon says:
it was great
jon says:
you know they were laughing
Dunkerschmitt says:
oh yeah
Dunkerschmitt says:
I got the oddd remark
Dunkerschmitt says:
from teachers
jon says:
what'd they say?
Dunkerschmitt says:
Duncan eh? Ive seeen some of your art work
Dunkerschmitt says:
Me: oooo 
Dunkerschmitt says:
Them: it wasn't pleasant though, kinda queer
Dunkerschmitt says:
Me: oh
jon says:
jon says:
it took queer to a whole new cool level
Dunkerschmitt says:
such a word
Dunkerschmitt says:
I've made queer the new gay (?)
jon says:
queer now means cool AND gay, a combination that didnt exist before gaytank
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
im creating the article
jon says:
you can add a picture later
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
I will hand draw it for the occasion
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
“ Hey dad, uhhhm, do i really have to die for these people? I mean, when all's said and done, they're a bunch of fags... ”
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
its scarey that i remember
Dunkerschmitt says:
you must join us on the dark side (there's no natural light where we are in our basements)
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
just gonna get some OJ
jon says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
love that black guy murderer taste
jon says:
im creating a dramatic backstory for gaytank, in which it was used to liberate the gays after the world becomes ruled by a group of hairy butch homo-phobic russians.
Dunkerschmitt says:
in reality all it did was go to Brighton and wakev up on a park benc a week later with a headache and sore throat
jon says:
i dunno, it introduced aids and crystal meth to the south east
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
and invented dogging
Dunkerschmitt says:
that's what gayisms all about
jon says:
and is to this day the campest vehicle ever to trade gunfire with the homophobes of iraq
Dunkerschmitt says:
FRANK bombs
Dunkerschmitt says:
effeminite shells
Dunkerschmitt says:
YMCA troops
jon says:
instead of a boom it groans when it fires
Dunkerschmitt says:
it's cannon does the limp wrist thing
Dunkerschmitt says:
is exstensively knowledgable on interior design
jon says:
and anyone it shoots instantly gets an urge to go shopping and use words like fabulous
Dunkerschmitt says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
it served Mr Tan irreperable damage
jon says:
it shot him several times, then drove over him for 3 days staight
Dunkerschmitt says:
three days bent more like
jon says:
he used to be the top man in the chinese army
jon says:
not he wears designer labels and bums men
Dunkerschmitt says:
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
it attacked mr T once
jon says:
it's gay was countered by his straight
jon says:
and they were locked in a stalemate for 2 weeks
Dunkerschmitt says:
until gay tank was forced to "get some nuts"
Dunkerschmitt says:
which it did obligingly
jon says:
and mr T was tempted to do meth
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
and they both left having influenced the other
Dunkerschmitt says:
is that what T's homoeroticism's about
jon says:
the gaytank got many, many nuts
Dunkerschmitt says:
jon says:
T got addicted to meth and had to go to rehab, where he killed 3 men by neck-snapping and regained his straight
Dunkerschmitt says:
it was in the last place he left it
Dunkerschmitt says:
behind one of his medallions
jon says:
gaytanks arsehole
Dunkerschmitt says: